A toolkit/software architecture to ease creating high-performance neural network simulators
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCompleteMatrixAn efficient implementation of a dynamically-allocated 2D array
 CEdgePropertyThe structure to hold the edge properties
 CGraphPropertyThe structure to hold the Graph properties
 CHashTableSpecialized hash table for pointers to Elements
 CMatrix_bad_allocSignals memory allocation error for Matrix classes
 CMatrix_bad_castSignals bad cast among Matrices for Matrix classes
 CMatrix_domain_errorSignals value bad for domain for Matrix classes
 CMatrix_invalid_argumentSignals bad function argument for Matrix classes
 CMatrixExceptionMaster base class for Matrix exceptions
 CMatrixFactoryDeserializes Matrix objects from XML
 CNormGenerate normally distributed random numbers
 CSparseMatrixAn efficient implementation of a dynamically-allocated sparse 2D array
 CVectorMatrixAn efficient implementation of a dynamically-allocated 1D array
 CVertexPropertyStruct for vertex attributes