A toolkit/software architecture to ease creating high-performance neural network simulators
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Connections.cppMethods for creating and updating connections
 Connections.hThe base class of all connections classes
 Core.cppOrchestrates most functionality in the simulation
 Core.hOrchestrates most functionality in the simulation
 CPUModel.cppImplementation of Model for graph-based networks
 CPUModel.hImplementation of Model for execution on CPU (single core)
 EdgeIndexMap.hA structure maintains outgoing and edges list (forward map)
 GPUModel.cppImplementation of Model for the spiking neural networks
 GPUModel.hImplementation of Model for the graph-based networks
 Graphitti_Main.cppStarting point of the Simulation - Main
 Model.cppImplementation of Model for the graph-based networks
 Model.hImplementation of Model for graph-based networks
 OperationManager.cppSingleton instance method that registers and executes functions based on operation types
 OperationManager.hSingleton instance method that registers and executes functions based on operation types
 Operations.hThis class is public reference to the operation types that the OperationManager can register and execute. Stores operation types as an enum
 Serializer.cppProvides serialization and deserialization functionality using the Cereal library
 Serializer.hProvides serialization and deserialization functionality using the Cereal library
 Simulator.cppPlatform independent base class for the Brain Grid simulator. Simulator is a singleton class (a class that can only have one object)
 Simulator.hPlatform independent base class for the Brain Grid simulator. Simulator is a singleton class (a class that can only have one object)
 AllEdges.cppA container of all edge data
 AllEdges.hAn interface and top level implementation for edge classes
 Layout.cppThe Layout class defines the layout of neurons in neural networks
 Layout.hThe Layout class defines the layout for both the neural and 911 simuations
 Hdf5Recorder.cppAn implementation for recording spikes history on hdf5 file
 RecordableBase.hAn abstract base class defining the interface for recordable variables in the simulator
 RecordableVector.hA template class providing a concrete implementation of the recordable variable interface for one-dimensional variables
 Recorder.hAn interface for recording variables/data acquisition system
 XmlRecorder.cppAn implementation for recording variable information on xml file
 XmlRecorder.hProvides an implementation for recording Graph-based simulation variable history in an XML file. It can be reused to: 1) Change variables to record in an existing model. 2) Record variables for new integrated network simulations. Supports updated types: Constant and Dynamic. Supports recording 1-D variables whose base class is RecordableBase
 BGTypes.hUsed to define uniform data type sizes based for all operating systems. Also used to test the speed of simulation based on the data types
 Book.hHandles CUDA exceptions
 Coordinate.hA container for 2-dimensional coordinates
 Factory.hA factory template for creating factory class for any subsystem that requires a factory to create a (singleton) concrete class instance at runtime. The class instance is based on a class name specified in the configuration file
 Global.cppGlobally available functions/variables and default parameter values
 Global.hGlobally available functions/variables and default parameter values
 GraphManager.cppThe GraphManager is a wrapper around the Boost Graph Library (BGL)
 GraphManager.hA basic Template Circular Buffer
 InputEvent.hStructs to hold InputEvent attributes read from input files
 InputManager.hTemplate class for reading input events from XML formatted files
 ParameterManager.cppA class which contains and manages access to the XML parameter file used by a simulator instance at runtime
 ParameterManager.hA singleton class which contains and manages access to the XML parameter file used by a simulator instance at runtime
 ParseParamError.cppHandles parameter error messaging
 ParseParamError.hHandles parameter error messaging
 Timer.cppCSS432 UDP Socket Class
 Timer.hTimer class, from CSS432
 Util.cppHelper function to parse integers in fixed layout
 Util.hHelper function to parse integers in fixed layout
 AllVertices.cppA container of the base class of all vertex data
 AllVertices.hA container of the base class of all vertex data
 EventBuffer.cppEncapsulation of vertex event buffering
 EventBuffer.hEncapsulation of vertex event buffering