1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 What is Graphitti?
Graphitti is an open-source high-performance graph-based event simulator that is intended to aid scientists and researchers by providing pre-built code that can easily be modified to fit different models.
Graphitti runs on both a CPU & GPU. The multi-threaded (GPU) version uses NVIDIA’s CUDA libraries and can provide a potential speedup of up to a twentieth of the original runtime. The single-threaded (CPU) simulator compiles on a machine without CUDA libraries.
1.1.2 What is Graphitti for?
Graphitti is a framework for quickly implementing GPU-speed-up graph-based networks. If you have a mathematical model for real world events, Graphitti will provide you with a way of getting that network implemented in code and running on CPUs or GPUs.
In sum, Graphitti is designed to do the following:
- Simulate graph-based networks with built-in models. For example, the neuroscience simulator can do this with the leaky-integrate-and-fire neuron and izhikevich neuron.
- Provide a framework to make it easier to code models of your own.
- Make these models FAST - provide code to make it easy to migrate models to single or multiple GPUs, providing a huge speedup from single or multi-threaded host-side models.
1.1.3 Why do we need Graphitti?
The initial principles that we are basing Graphitti on are as follows:
- Provide support for common algorithms and data structures needed for biological neural simulation. This includes concepts such as:
- neurons and synapses, which can be dynamical and have internal state that must be initialized, can be updated, and can be serialized and deserialized,
- neuron outputs can fan out to multiple synapses,
- multiple synapses fan in to single neurons via summation points,
- neurons have (x, y) spatial coordinates(we could add a z dimension in the future),
- synapses can have individualized transmission delays, and
- noise generation is available to be added to state variables.
- Be constructred with a design that provides useful metaphors for thinking about simulator implementation in the context of different maching architectures. In other words, if we want to have high performance, we need to expose enough of the underlying machine architecture so that we can take advantage of this. We are not shooting for a high-level tool or language that will give a 2x speedup when one moves one’s code to a GPU; we are looking for at least a 20x speedup.
- We’re assuming that a researcher/simulator developer is starting with an implementation that runs as a single thread of execution on a generic host computer. This may be an already-existing simulator or it may be a desire to develop a new one. Thus, the entry point for Graphitti use is the classes and data structures associated with single-threaded execution.
- We’re also assuming that the user wants to move that simulation to a parallel implementation. So, we have an architecture that acknowledges that there are two orthogonal implementation axes: the model being simulated and the platform being delivered on. So, the user is asked to decompose and structure the simulation code to separate out components that are common to any platform. This means that platform-dependent code is segregated out, easing the changes necessary for porting, and core data structures are organized to accommodate the different platforms. Users should be able to implement a single-threaded simulator, verify its correct operation, and then move their code to a parallel platform and validate against the single-threaded version.
1.1.4 Who is the Graphitti Audience?
- Computer Science students, product builders and contributors
- Researchers, Neuroscientists
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