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UWB Intelligent Networks Laboratory

Computing for understanding biology. Understanding biology to drive computing.

The Graphitti Project

The original idea behind the Graphitti Project is to develop a toolkit/software architecture to ease creating high-performance network simulators. It is now composed of two parts Graphitti (the simulator) and Workbench (a simulation and data/software provenance tool). So, we now say that Graphitti+Workbench focuses on enabling high-performance/high-quality simulation of network-structured systems.


A project to facilitate construction of high-performance simulations of network-structured systems.

Key features:

Multiple simulation architectures:

Supported operating systems:


Software and data provenance management platform for simulations of dissociated cortical cultures.

Key features:


The predecessor to Graphitti, BrainGrid is currently the only simulator capable of multi-cluster simulation using multiple CPU cores and multiple GPUs.

Graphitti is under active development to include all BrainGrid functionality and more.

Examples [under construction]

Lab Publications

Other Resources: